Saving Generational Treasures and Going Beyond Digital with Photographic Prints

Saving Generational Treasures and Going Beyond Digital with Photographic Prints

19th August, 2023

Have you ever found an old photo of your grandparents or even great-grandparents in a family album? There's something special about holding an old picture in your hands. It's like holding a piece of history.

Recently, a beloved older member of our family passed away. As we mourned him, we discovered something amazing. He had left behind a huge collection of photos. These weren't just any photos. They were snapshots of family members, some taken even before many of us were born. As we looked through them, we felt like detectives. We tried to figure out who was who, connecting the dots of our family tree. We made guesses and shared stories, piecing together the puzzle of our family's past. It was heartwarming to see pictures of loved ones who are no longer with us, looking young and full of life.

Today, most of us take photos with our phones or digital cameras. We save them on computers, phones, or online. But think about the old tech stuff we used to use. Do you remember floppy disks or CDs? They were once popular, but now many of us don't even have a way to use them. What happens if our favorite photos are saved on something that becomes old-fashioned? In the future, our grandkids might not be able to see them!

A photo of a photobook page fan.

But a printed photo? That's different. If you take care of it, a photo can last a very long time. It doesn't need batteries, Wi-Fi, or the latest gadget to be seen. It's a simple and special way to remember moments and people.

Printed photos can be passed down in families. They can be gifts, stories, and treasures. Imagine showing your grandkids a photo of their parents when they were young. Or imagine them showing their kids. It's a way to share memories for a long, long time.

Also, for photographers like me, printed photos are artwork. We think about the type of paper and how the photo will look. It's our way of sharing our vision with the world.

This is precisely why I emphasize physical prints in all my portraiture work. When I take a photo, I'm not just thinking about the digital image. I'm imagining it as a printed treasure. The joy on my clients' faces when they hold those prints is indescribable. They're not just seeing a picture; they're holding a piece of history. Imagining their children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren discovering these photos and seeing their family's past is a powerful feeling. There's truly nothing that can replicate the emotion and connection that a tangible photograph brings.

Want to start saving memories for the next generation in your family?

Stephanie and Josie
Portraits of My Daughters